2. Individual Mentor Coaching Program
Mentor Coaching is an important requirement of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) in the Credentialing process and is essential in the development of a coach seeking to perform at the highest professional standards.
Mentor Coaching is defined by ICF as “provides professional assistance in achieving and demonstrating the levels of coaching competency demanded by the desired credential level sought by a coach‐applicant (mentee). Furthermore, Mentor Coaching means a mentee being coached on their coaching skills rather than coaching on practice building, life balance, or other topics unrelated to the development of an applicant’s coaching skill.”
This program is designed for coaches preparing to apply for their ACC, PCC or MCC credential, or who want to hone their coaching skills at PCC or MCC skill level.
At the end of the program, you will have 10 hours of mentor coaching that you can use for your ACC, PCC or MCC credentialing.
Individual Mentor Coaching sessions
Ten hours of customized one-on-one mentoring, via zoom conference
One additional 40 min zoom conference to partner on how the 10 hours will be structured
Provide specific verbal and/or written feedback, using examples from the sessions so that the mentee:
will know exactly what s/he is doing well
understands what s/he needs to do in order to develop a deeper level of mastery in coaching
Some of the ten hours will include discussing core competency distinctions at the different skill levels (ACC, PCC, MCC)
Learning about mentee’s coaching philosophy and unique style
The program will take place over a minimum of 3 consecutive months
My pledge to you
As a registered Mentor Coach with ICF and graduate of a Mentor Coaching Certification facilitated by Leda Turai, MCC, I am Certified to provide mentor coaching services following ICF requirements.